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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Saturday, 12 November 2011

Now Playing: The littlest Girl went to a new home today.

One of our sisters went to a new home today in Orange County, California.  The lady who bought her knew a lot about great danes although she had never owned a blue dane before. She looked at our mother who was crouching down outside on the patio on her haunches and said she looked a lot like one of her old danes from days gone bye.

Our litter mom was scared to death to allow any of the adults near the people due to liability reasons.  TJ our Great Grandpa was noisy but sweet none the less.  Joy allowed the lady to pat her on the haunches.  Our parents have been off the property, in fact one day our litter owner took RCA to the vets and stopped into the grocery store. There was a lady parked next to her pick up and RC was in the back seat.  Our litter owner went into the store and when she came back the lady that was parked next to her truck was still there, so she asked: " Did he bark alot." The lady responded no, he was a perfect gentleman.  So our litter owner drove home, and when she got home and opened the door to the half seat behind the drivers seat, RCA had untied the cotton lead rope from the hook on his collar. So he kept himself busy and occupied while she was in the store.

WE are hoping everything will be ok.

Our new owner is naming the littlest one Celeste Ceour V FTD. I think that is how she spelled it.  I guess this may change if it is spelled incorrectly.

Miss Blue Bayou

Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 3:24 PM PST
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Monday, 7 November 2011

Now Playing: Blind Harle Danes gave us the Cooties.

How many people will look at photos on a website and not ask if those danes are relatives to our litter? There are so many people on the internet these days and they make giant leaps in logic that is really illogical because they dont' ask. They Assume. A wise Psychology Teacher once stated, or maybe it was a philosophy teacher, {Both had a Ph.D.} When you make an assumption you are really making an Ass U {and} me, that is how assume is spelled and that is what the reality of the word defined. There are so many people in the world who are afraid to ask their teachers questions, that some never get or understand the concept of the material being taught. Then there are the non believers or the True Believers whose basic knowledge comes from how they were raised and their cultural beliefs, religious beliefs, and other basic beliefs that are taught by authority figures. Not everyone in the world holds the same opinions because it wasnt' in God's plan that we all think the same way, we are as different as our fingerprints and as we develop into adults, our environments play a huge role in what we also believe. Science is constantly contradicting itself.  Ex. Coffee is Bad and Evil, no Coffee is good for you and has nutrients. The egg scare of the 70's another example of contradictory thinking. And this doesn't even include the other professional fields that contradict one anothers research.  And the above represents simple things, not the hard things like the Margaret Sanger thread. Sanger's ideals are not being followed in todays world of Psychology Patients. For those who have no clue, she sanctioned sterilization for psych patients including developmentally disabled people. There have been developmentally disabled individuals who have had children with normal brain functioning who are respected functioning members of society. In other words they have Utility.


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 1:48 PM PST
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Now Playing: We are not even 9 weeks old yet.

We are not even 9 weeks old yet, and already our facebook ad has been showing blind harlequin danes, which is common in harlequins, being lead around by a merle dane.

Then there was a statement about how some blind great dane had it's eyes removed because it was blind.  Who does that ? Our litter owner never heard of that before, and why would a veterinarian pull out a blind danes eyes!  One thought is that it may have had cancer in it's eyes but another is that maybe there was a research project going on and they removed the eyes to find the cause.

At any rate, we feel that we are being worked against not with because no one considered our ages before they went into heroic mode.

We are doing ok, we are being taken back off of our milk replacer because it isn't sitting well with us, maybe it is the salmonella scare in pet food that the evening news mentioned, only that warning applied to humans not dogs. Of course at our age of 8 weeks, we wouldn't have any immunity built up like an older dog would.

We are still being compared with merle or blue merles and we have never had an ancestor that is a merle, with torn patches or black spots in thier coats in any of past litters. Merle's cannot be shown in the arena because it isn't a GDCA color.

Our litter owner is going to find the old ATT or PacBell joke and ask our prospective buyers to press various numbers on their phone keypad if they are Obsessive Compulsive, etc. etc. etc. poking fun at the various neurosis that the psych field dx people with. Our litter owner feels that neurotics have no business owning a dog because they are neurotic and that makes them too picky. about minor things, like a piece of hay showing up in an ancestor stool. Poor pup ended up at the vets because he liked to model and mimic the horses and ate alfalfa hay.



Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 1:25 PM PST
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Saturday, 5 November 2011

Now Playing: First night in the house.

Our first night in the house since we were 4 weeks old went well. Around 1:30 AM we woke up our two legged mom crying to be let outside. Of course only 3 of us went outside to potty and the rest of us remained behind.  It was cold when the door opened so not all of us wanted out.  Ok, so our two legged mom went back to bed, and about a half an hour later the rest of us began crying and wanted to go potty.  After we did our business, we came back inside and slept the rest of the night until 7 AM.

We are not being crated, but we have a small pen in the living room.  Some of us know how to get around the side of the pen if it isn't closed up. We love to explore and are scaring our aunt Holly who has no idea how to play with us. 

So our potty times are about 2 and a half hours after we eat and between 1:30-2:00 AM. And we let our litter mom know we want to go outside by crying.

Like all babies we will grow out of the middle of the night potty trip.

We have been outside all day, and we are exploring the fence near the horses and we want to see the fruit trees that are corralled up.  The trees are protected from us because our relatives liked to chew the lemon trees.



Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 2:53 PM PDT
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Friday, 4 November 2011

Now Playing: What a day!

Last night we had a light rain and the temperature dropped about 10 degrees.  The nightime is now in the mid 40's, so our litter owner brought us into the house to sleep.

We were outside for a few weeks, just and were learning not to potty in the house and our mother was taking us into the yard to potty.

So now our litter owner is teaching us the command 'outside and potty'.  Our mother knows this command and so do the rest of our relatives. RCA our dad and his sister Holly and grand-aunt Grace know how to ring the bells that hang from the door knob to be let out.  I don't think we will get to that stage as we are going into the back yard not the front yard or into the garage. I hope we learn these commands.

Since we were always underfoot whenever our litter owner went to the barn to feed the horses she started teaching us the command to " Kennel Up" Our mother knows this command too, but we are not really listening to the command.  Now our mother is tricking us, she was going into the kennel with us, now she is going down a little alley and we run into the kennel.  Whatever works that is the philosophy here, and we are not getting under the wheelbarrel and in the way.  We have been sneaking into the barn, we are leaving our Choo Hooves on the barn floor, and dragging around the hay strings to play with.

Our litter owner posted a photo on some Dane website of our Great-grandmother whose ears were cropped. The ears are dirty but everything this woman does in candid shots, so it isn't the best. She threw a couple of us up on the couch with a white sheet. The white sheet slipped down the couch, without any safety rails.  The girls did pretty well but camera malfunctions with the digital camera were overwhealming along with the scare factor that we might try to leap off the couch onto the floor.

Our litter owner also found out why no one was receiving any photos, she had changed the settings in her email program to not send photos.  Finally a nice lady and she worked the bugs out by emailing photos of Steely Dan and Miss Blue Bayou back and forth until she found the correct setting.  Fantans Steely Dan is one of our ancestors, I think he is a great-grandpa like TJ.  Missy Blue is the great-grandmother. She was also learning how to upload photos to our facebook page.  They are silly photos and she is trying to learn how to use her smart phone.

Some man called today and asked about us.  Our litter owner and he talked for awhile about bloodlines etc.  He told her that there was some breeder in the area that used to have Blue Harlequins. Our litter owner told him that she has never had any blue harlequins, and hasn't had any black danes since 2000 or so.  She has to look it up in her breeder booklet where she records the new owners name, our colors and gender and their address etc. for AKC. She also told him that nearly all of us have very little white even on our chests. Our front feet are solid blue all the way down our toes. Some of us have some white toes on our hind feet, but none of us comes close to having a sock.  Just toes.  She needs to look up in one of her dane books the proper names for our physical attributes, like where are the withers, she knows that one because of the horses she owns. We have been really good around the horses in fact we ignore them. Holly wanted to help her feed and she loves to harass the horses because her Auntie Grace taught her and others in our litter that bad habit.  Our mother Joy Joy leaves the horses alone though so we will not be picking up any bad habit from her. Our litter owner is all about modeling good behavior.  In fact that is how she used to train our relatives. She would form a circle group and tell them Good dogs sit, and one by one they would sit because everyone wanted to be the first to get a treat.

Miss Blue Bayou


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 10:02 PM PDT
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Monday, 31 October 2011
Happy Halloween PS

Just wanted to add that Michael Symon really made a great Shrek, although I thought he might cut off his finger slicing and dicing.

Everyone looked great.


Now if mom could only find a dane sized Tigger for RCA'S N Elf she would have it made.

Remember those witches that  could be hung on trees that look like the witch smashed in to the tree.  I can only imagine what someone driving down the road would think if they saw RCA hopping around in the front road as Tigger from Whinney the Pooh.


Thank you,
 "He is Your Friend, Your Protector, Your Dog.
You are His Life, His Love, His Leader.
He Will be Yours, Faithful and True to the Last Beat of His Heart.
You Owe it to Him to be Worthy of such Devotion."
Have a Great Dane Day !!
Blue Diamond Great Dane
Fan Tan Great Danes


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 2:13 PM PDT
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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody. I just realized there are no emoticons for this special holiday.

Oh well.

The day began with Good Morning America's Halloween Costume party and then the Today's show themed costume party. The Chew was especially funny today, and I think that Mario Batalli makes a great body double for Guy Fierro.

The litter is not sold.  We are having such dysfunctional problems in the world of technology that our mom has sworn it is time to go back to Basics. That means that business will be conducted in the 20th century manner not in the 21st century techno. I think it is important that everyone know how to use both ways to communicate in today's world. I mean what would these people do without their smart phones, computers, digital camera's, scanner and printers. They would be lossed... honestly they would be unable to function. So the only problem is that I think they did away with phone booth's, I am not sure about that. If they don't know they can reach an emergency phone on the highway by taking a walk oh well.

Mom is also very tired of overzealous zealots which is her nice way to define control freaks.

At any rate, we are growing. Our ads are all in newspaper print and that is the old way of doing business. Have phone and fax machine and a number to call to place your ads.

She is also very distressed that this computer of hers recognizes that a device is plugged into it, but because of firewalls { Guesstamate on that one} Can't find the photos on her smart phone to import them in to the computer.  The Smart phone has no export function that she can see at this time, although it most likely is there. She thinks she needs to pull up a DOS window and start directing it to where the programs are located on her phone. Of course this also means getting those pesky no overwrite and need passcode etc. just to get our photos out of her phone, so of course who knows how far into the directory she will have to go to find the program.

I think it is BACK to BASICS....Period.

Happy Halloween.

Missy Blue Bayou.


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 1:46 PM PDT
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Saturday, 29 October 2011

We have been over to DOL and found some old photographs of one of our mother's brother's.

Nicholas.  There will never be another one just like you. It is bringing a tear to our eyes. They neutered you, put you on some dog food named Solid Gold instead of keeping you on the Diamond Dog Food that you were accustomed to.

Our heart's are heavy.


Missy Blue Bayou.

Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 4:21 PM PDT
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Friday, 28 October 2011

Now Playing: Update on Joy's litter

We have been growing.  Today we got weighed and we weigh about 15#'s. We are eating canned milk, with egg yolk's and blenders of Dry Food.

We also eat Kirkland's lamb and rice and chicken and rice biscuits once a day.

We have some new toys, but we like the old ones that our elder's played with instead of the new ones. There is a football, a huge rubber ball but so far all we do is watch mom spin it like a top. WE are still too little to get our mouths around the toys.  Mom is now teaching us to 'Kennel Up !" whenever she goes to the barn to feed the horses. When she loads up the wheel barrel with hay we are getting under foot, in fact we are not allowing her to walk without tugging on her pants legs, so she is now 'Kenneling us Up!" Our dog mom knows that command so we follow her into one of the kennels while mom feeds.

Mom has had a lot of phone calls from Orange County.  So it looks like we are heading for the Beach !! Oh boy!! Surf's up dude!!  I wonder if anyone will enter the surf contest in San Diego like  in the Maramaduke movie.  Of course, Marmaduke was a blonde or a Fawn.

We think she said someone down south wants to show us.  They have owned blue danes before.

If we all go south we can be in our own puppy class at the shows. The woman wanted to know if mom had any solid blue danes and there is one of us who only has about 3 white hairs on his chest. 

Another man wanted to know about ear cropping. Mom only cares that if we are cropped that the vet does a most excellent job. Our Great Grandmother and Grand Uncle were cropped. Their vet did all the after care, and their ears turned out excellent. It didn't take their ears a long time to stand up. Uncle Danny's stood up after 7 weeks, but Missy Blue Bayou's took a little longer because she liked to go outside and stick her head in the puddles after the lawn was watered. Our Great Grandpa is from a country where cropping isn't necessary to show. Either way, it doesn't matter as long as the cut is a long show cut, and that the vet does a good job.

I guess I should look up the rules on whether or not cropping is necessary for agility dogs, Companion Dogs and other types of events that the AKC sanctions.

It is getting cold here at night, so our house has a space heater just inside of the sliding door to keep us warm at night.  Of course we are still sleeping with our dog mom too.

Missy Blue Bayou.


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 2:55 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Today our new toys arrived via Brown. We got our first vaccination.  My litter mom likes Vanguard as it seems to mix better then the old ProGard. She is wondering what the difference is as the Progard had a lot of bubbles that needed to settle before drawing up the shot.

We also had a few photos taken, and our Grand mother came outside to be with us today and so did Auntie Holly Jolly. We also had our first collars put on today.  We were very good until mom decided to take the collars off for the night.

She is afraid that we will catch it on something and not be able to break loose. 

She also uploaded our photos to her FaceBook Page. She uses Fan Tan Dane for her page name.

You can see us here:


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 8:51 PM PDT
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