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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Monday, 31 October 2011
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody. I just realized there are no emoticons for this special holiday.

Oh well.

The day began with Good Morning America's Halloween Costume party and then the Today's show themed costume party. The Chew was especially funny today, and I think that Mario Batalli makes a great body double for Guy Fierro.

The litter is not sold.  We are having such dysfunctional problems in the world of technology that our mom has sworn it is time to go back to Basics. That means that business will be conducted in the 20th century manner not in the 21st century techno. I think it is important that everyone know how to use both ways to communicate in today's world. I mean what would these people do without their smart phones, computers, digital camera's, scanner and printers. They would be lossed... honestly they would be unable to function. So the only problem is that I think they did away with phone booth's, I am not sure about that. If they don't know they can reach an emergency phone on the highway by taking a walk oh well.

Mom is also very tired of overzealous zealots which is her nice way to define control freaks.

At any rate, we are growing. Our ads are all in newspaper print and that is the old way of doing business. Have phone and fax machine and a number to call to place your ads.

She is also very distressed that this computer of hers recognizes that a device is plugged into it, but because of firewalls { Guesstamate on that one} Can't find the photos on her smart phone to import them in to the computer.  The Smart phone has no export function that she can see at this time, although it most likely is there. She thinks she needs to pull up a DOS window and start directing it to where the programs are located on her phone. Of course this also means getting those pesky no overwrite and need passcode etc. just to get our photos out of her phone, so of course who knows how far into the directory she will have to go to find the program.

I think it is BACK to BASICS....Period.

Happy Halloween.

Missy Blue Bayou.


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 1:46 PM PDT
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