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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Monday, 31 October 2011
Happy Halloween PS

Just wanted to add that Michael Symon really made a great Shrek, although I thought he might cut off his finger slicing and dicing.

Everyone looked great.


Now if mom could only find a dane sized Tigger for RCA'S N Elf she would have it made.

Remember those witches that  could be hung on trees that look like the witch smashed in to the tree.  I can only imagine what someone driving down the road would think if they saw RCA hopping around in the front road as Tigger from Whinney the Pooh.


Thank you,
 "He is Your Friend, Your Protector, Your Dog.
You are His Life, His Love, His Leader.
He Will be Yours, Faithful and True to the Last Beat of His Heart.
You Owe it to Him to be Worthy of such Devotion."
Have a Great Dane Day !!
Blue Diamond Great Dane
Fan Tan Great Danes


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 2:13 PM PDT
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