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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Saturday, 29 October 2011

We have been over to DOL and found some old photographs of one of our mother's brother's.

Nicholas.  There will never be another one just like you. It is bringing a tear to our eyes. They neutered you, put you on some dog food named Solid Gold instead of keeping you on the Diamond Dog Food that you were accustomed to.

Our heart's are heavy.


Missy Blue Bayou.

Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 4:21 PM PDT
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Friday, 28 October 2011

Now Playing: Update on Joy's litter

We have been growing.  Today we got weighed and we weigh about 15#'s. We are eating canned milk, with egg yolk's and blenders of Dry Food.

We also eat Kirkland's lamb and rice and chicken and rice biscuits once a day.

We have some new toys, but we like the old ones that our elder's played with instead of the new ones. There is a football, a huge rubber ball but so far all we do is watch mom spin it like a top. WE are still too little to get our mouths around the toys.  Mom is now teaching us to 'Kennel Up !" whenever she goes to the barn to feed the horses. When she loads up the wheel barrel with hay we are getting under foot, in fact we are not allowing her to walk without tugging on her pants legs, so she is now 'Kenneling us Up!" Our dog mom knows that command so we follow her into one of the kennels while mom feeds.

Mom has had a lot of phone calls from Orange County.  So it looks like we are heading for the Beach !! Oh boy!! Surf's up dude!!  I wonder if anyone will enter the surf contest in San Diego like  in the Maramaduke movie.  Of course, Marmaduke was a blonde or a Fawn.

We think she said someone down south wants to show us.  They have owned blue danes before.

If we all go south we can be in our own puppy class at the shows. The woman wanted to know if mom had any solid blue danes and there is one of us who only has about 3 white hairs on his chest. 

Another man wanted to know about ear cropping. Mom only cares that if we are cropped that the vet does a most excellent job. Our Great Grandmother and Grand Uncle were cropped. Their vet did all the after care, and their ears turned out excellent. It didn't take their ears a long time to stand up. Uncle Danny's stood up after 7 weeks, but Missy Blue Bayou's took a little longer because she liked to go outside and stick her head in the puddles after the lawn was watered. Our Great Grandpa is from a country where cropping isn't necessary to show. Either way, it doesn't matter as long as the cut is a long show cut, and that the vet does a good job.

I guess I should look up the rules on whether or not cropping is necessary for agility dogs, Companion Dogs and other types of events that the AKC sanctions.

It is getting cold here at night, so our house has a space heater just inside of the sliding door to keep us warm at night.  Of course we are still sleeping with our dog mom too.

Missy Blue Bayou.


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 2:55 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Today our new toys arrived via Brown. We got our first vaccination.  My litter mom likes Vanguard as it seems to mix better then the old ProGard. She is wondering what the difference is as the Progard had a lot of bubbles that needed to settle before drawing up the shot.

We also had a few photos taken, and our Grand mother came outside to be with us today and so did Auntie Holly Jolly. We also had our first collars put on today.  We were very good until mom decided to take the collars off for the night.

She is afraid that we will catch it on something and not be able to break loose. 

She also uploaded our photos to her FaceBook Page. She uses Fan Tan Dane for her page name.

You can see us here:


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 8:51 PM PDT
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Monday, 24 October 2011
First Entry in Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Dane Blog

I deleted my old Fantan Dane Blog and began this on on Oct. 2, 2011.  I have been busy caring for the pups and doing other chores necessary to the living in the land.

So a brief recap of events on the pups to date.

We had our nails clipped the first of second week.

Our mother Joy Joy has been really careful with us watching where she placed her feet.  What a conrast to that harle our owner used to own years ago.  The harle loved to stomp on her puppies feet, or at least that is what our owner told us in this blog.

We are really growing. We moved outside as soon as the weather permitted. We have been exploring the barn and we know how to get through the small opening in the gate.  We haven't discovered the big four leggers on the opposite side of the fence, and our owner is hoping that we never discover them. We only have good influnces in our environment, meaning Gran-Auntie Grace isn't going to model bad behavior for us to copy.

Joy Joy seems to like puppies with white toe socks on their hind feet. None of us has any white on our forefeet. One of us a male, has no white on him except for one white hair on his chest.  This week we will be getting our first 5 way vaccination, and our Choo Hooves and rope pull toys will arrive soon along with a toy football.

There are 5 males and 3 males in this litter.  It is our mother's first litter.  Some people have asked about us sending our owner an email and one person called her on the phone. We are being advertised in the hard copy editions of 4 California Newspapers begining this next weekend.  Our Litter owner likes the old fashioned way of advertising. We are also located on and a couple of other dog advertising websites. We can go to new homes on November 3, 2011 which seems a little short to our owner, but after counting and recounting the number of weeks since we were whelped it is correct. She wanted to hold us until we were 60 days old. 

Our litter owner also added more space to her website in the hopes of uploading video.  She thinks she may have forgotten how to write the code for the .mov files, in fact she knows she forgot how to write the code as someone told her that .mov files can still be played in Quick Time Players. She hasn't had any litters in so long she hasn't kept up with technology and the new file extension, in fact she isn't even using java script, and has no clue what a CSS is much less .wmv or whatever file extension are out there in the modern world.  Things in techno world are more dynamic then the law.

Her pedigree generator failed a few years ago, and she reformatted her computer and lost the program to open the files that are saved on a CD, so she is working with the people who wrote the program and sold it to her back in 1999.  She hopes that NWPS remains patient and TIA's them. Our litter owner researched AKC pedigrees back to Maxwell Brown's tenth generation. She also added pedigrees of dogs from other great dane owners. She has/had pedigrees of harlequins and blue great danes in her database.

Missy Blue Bayou is our great-grandmother, her photo is on our business card on both websites.

Our litter owner isn't a member of any Great Dane club.  She was in 4 Arabian Horse Clubs in Region II and Region III and so she is clubbed out.  As dogs are judged under different judges for a reason, clubs are different as well.  Or is it just horses that are judged by more than one judge to get a championship.  No matter, the fact is that everyone has an opinion and no one agrees.

See you, it is time for lunch. 

Missy Blue Bayou

Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 1:31 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 24 October 2011 2:29 PM PDT
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First Entry in Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Dane Blog

I deleted my old Fantan Dane Blog and began this on on Oct. 2, 2011.  I have been busy caring for the pups and doing other chores necessary to the living in the land.

So a brief recap of events on the pups to date.

We had our nails clipped the first of second week.

Our mother Joy Joy has been really careful with us watching where she placed her feet.  What a conrast to that harle our owner used to own years ago.  The harle loved to stomp on her puppies feet, or at least that is what our owner told us in this blog.

We are really growing. We moved outside as soon as the weather permitted. We have been exploring the barn and we know how to get through the small opening in the gate.  We haven't discovered the big four leggers on the opposite side of the fence, and our owner is hoping that we never discover them. We only have good influnces in our environment, meaning Auntie Grace isn't going to model bad behavior for us to copy.

Joy Joy seems to like puppies with white toe socks on their hind feet. None of us has any white on our forefeet. One of us a male, has no white on him except for one white hair on his chest.  This week we will be getting our first 5 way vaccination, and our Choo Hooves and rope pull toys will arrive soon along with a toy football.

There are 5 males and 3 males in this litter.  It is our mother's first litter.  Some people have asked about us sending our owner an email and one person called her on the phone. We are being advertised in the hard copy editions of 4 California Newspapers.  Our Litter owner likes the old fashioned way of advertising. We are also located on and a couple of other dog advertising websites. We can go to new homes on November 3, 2011 which seems a little short to our owner, but after counting and recounting the number of weeks since we were whelped it is correct. She wanted to hold us until we were 60 days old. 

Our litter owner also added more space to her website in the hopes of uploading video.  She thinks she may have forgotten how to write the code for the .mov files, in fact she knows she forgot how to write the code as someone told her that .mov files can still be played in Quick Time Players. She hasn't had any litters in so long she hasn't kept up with technology and the new file extension, in fact she isn't even using java script, and has no clue what a CSS is much less .wmv or whatever file extension are out there in the modern world.  Things in techno world are more dynamic then the law.

Her pedigree generator failed a few years ago, and she reformatted her computer and lost the program to open the files that are saved on a CD, so she is working with the people who wrote the program and sold it to her back in 1999.  She hopes that NWPS remains patient and TIA's them.

Missy Blue Bayou is our grandmother, her photo is on our business card on both websites.

See you, it is time for lunch. 

Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 1:31 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 April 2018 11:47 PM PDT
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