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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Topic: Todays Date, Dec. 4, 2013

I just checked into my Fan Tan Dane Website to look for my old amazon bookstore that used to be a part of that site back in the 1990's.  It was gone, I guess I deleted it at some time during the 1990's.

I decided to surf the webring websites that I used to belong too so many years ago. Many are still up and running.  I have forgotten my webring id, and no longer use it so I have also forgotten my password.  They should have sent me an email but instead, they said I am no longer a member, funny because I still get emails to rejoin the webring.  Whatever.  I took a look at some of the websites in the working dog webring and it looks like at least one of those people have been cyberattacked by animal rights activists. I say this because like this website, they are displaying the message that their dogs are not attack dogs. That is another one of my gripes about the millenium. 

I am going to predict that Great Danes will be wiped off the face of the earth not unlike their ancestors were back in WWI and WWII when bloodstock was wiped off the map in Germany. This included one Blue Dane Stud in Germany. The Great Dane survived however, and the bloodstock replenished with stock from the countries that had great dane blood to share with the rest of the world.

Just a prediction, and I really need to find out what the https is and how I can add it to my site.  I am still using html, not java, nor css, or shtml because of the active filters that are used to track or trace. Or maybe I misunderstood their use back when I created these two websites.


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 4:28 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2018 2:53 PM PDT
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