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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Sunday, 4 December 2011

Today I used the Dremel on the puppies front toe nails. They were pretty good, some needed to see what the Dremel was, and some didn't like having thier feet restrained, but I made it through and they got cookies.  Holly watched, and everytime I went to bring in another puppy, Holly, TJ and Grace stole the cookies off of the end table.  Luckily they also drop on cue. I don't like thieves in dogs and I don't let them keep their stolen goods so they can't get reinforced for stealing. 

Last night we had a freeze warning so I picked the Myers Lemons off of one of the small trees and sliced them and dried them in the oven to store in a tin.  I learned about this idea from Food Network, Giada, and want to thank her.  The slices are really tart with the same myer lemon flavor and they should store well.  It makes it easier to avoid freeze issues if the fruit is ripe enough to pick before it dries out.  Especially with myers since their skin is so thin. 


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 4:17 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2018 3:16 PM PDT
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