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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Monday, 26 December 2011

Now Playing: Christmas is over.

For those of you who read this blog, and I am hoping it is very few.  I had a very quiet Christmas. You see, I lost my family members in a series of Train Wrecks begining in 1988. It has been one train wreck after another and now they are all gone. This is a good thing, because train wrecks are always messy.  People like to pull out their crystal ball and tarot cards and pretend they are mind readers. They throw suggestions at you and try to 'fix' things. They are generally in support groups and frankly that is exactly where they belong, in support groups where like minded individuals can wreck each other trains by derailing members of the support group with helpful insightful suggestions about the other support group members problems. This is ok, if they are in the same shoes, but generally no one walks in the same shoes or even on the same track, support groups are not multi-support, they only support one thing and neglect or forget that other people's circumstances are not like theirs based on demographics, socio economics, politics, education including number of years in school K-12, AA degrees, or BA/BS, Masters, or Doctorates,  majors or minors of course work studied and of course esthetics about dogs.

We did have a quiet Christmas. Optemus is doing well, and I will get to see him next Friday when his owner brings him by for his next shot. The pups think they are guard dogs now. One little pack of do not enter into our property. They watched the yardman clean up and followed him around. Another cousin of his told the girls to 'listen' and they listened and then sat. I was amazed because the boys are the ones listening to me not the girls. they are growing every day and while we are not Optemus, they are big. I tried to put my forfinger and thumb around one of the males wrists and I couldn't touch so their wrists are bigger then 6" around.  I haven't weighed them lately, they are very heavy and hard to pick up.  They love the barn, and are exploring every inch of it.  They like the rice bran I feed the horses and I am using the tiny bite size pieces to train them to sit.  I know this is a strange blog and not at all about the puppies, which isn't good, but, that is life. When someone emails me to as me if I will take 700.00 off the price of a puppy, and then gets huffy about it, and finally tells me in a half sobbing way that they put a deposit down with a breeder who breeds many different colors of danes, and has lots of puppies each year but that for the price the emailer offered they don't get a choice of sex, color or whatever, I think something is fishy.


Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 2:09 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2018 3:21 PM PDT
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